How to make money on your lunch break

Money Saving Hacks For Students.

If you’re saving for something special, or your regular pay packet just doesn’t bring in enough cash – earning money in your lunch-hour might be a great idea, but it is possible? What could you turn your hand to? Erica Wolfe-Murray, one of the UK’s leading innovation and business experts  shares her ideas for some easy wins and clever ways to make money.

20-min lessons

Could you run a 20-minute lesson for your work colleagues? Maybe you’re fluent in a language, are a brilliant baker, are a high-level gamer, know how to strip back and service a bike… All these skills and many more have value but can be taught in quick sessions to several people at once. If you are earning a few pounds from each it soon adds up. And if others want to offer their skills, could you create and manage a workplace skills market?

Trade on the internet

If you’ve got access to a computer – can you buy and sell on Ebay or a similar platform? Visit car boots sales, charity shops etc at the weekends, then use your lunch-hour to upload, and manage your site. Or perhaps your colleagues have bric-a-brac or clothes they want to sell – you could take a small commission for selling on their behalf.

Write that book

If you’ve got a burning desire to write a book, you don’t need to sit down for hours on end, you need short quick bursts of creativity consistently day in, day out, week in, week out. What better than your lunch-hour? Find yourself a quiet corner, make a plan and face that white page.

Build a blog/vlog, find your audience

It’s never been easier to create content for the internet. If you want to share your passion, you’ve stories to tell, that could attract an audience, start simple and build your vlog in your lunch break.  Keep it simple, keep it regular and you’ll find it soon builds.

Sell to your employer

If you’ve spotted an opportunity/need in your workplace that’s been overlooked, could you set up a programme that addresses it?  A café, a book/magazine shop, a healthcare drop-in, after-school/holiday childcare… Plan it in your lunch-break, cost it thoroughly, research interest from colleagues, ensure you ‘own’ the idea before taking it to your bosses. 

Start small

You don’t have to think big.  By starting with small manageable ways of earning a little extra, you can see how it fits in with your time, your energy, and whether it is worth the effort.  Who knows it could turn into a side-hustle, and eventually your next career move!

But a word of advice….  If you’re planning to generate some extra cash in your lunch break, remember to check out your employment contract. Some have clauses which insist the company owns everything you do, or limits what you can do on company premises, in ‘their’ time. You don’t want to find yourself on the wrong foot with them.  

Erica Wolfe-Murray works across the creative, cultural and tech sector helping companies to innovate through imaginative use of their intellectual assets/IP.  Referred to by as ‘a leading innovation and business expert’, she has recently published ‘Simple Tips, Smart Ideas : Build a Bigger, Better Business;.  Full of easy-to-use advice on innovative ways to grow your business. Available from Foyles, Amazon and all other good bookshops.
