How to remove fake tan like a pro

How to remove fake tan like a pro

If like me, you love to have that bronzed glow all year round you will know with the great British weather that you have to fake it to make it. Which is all well and good, I’ve recommended and reviewed quite a few tans over the years. However, nobody really tells you how to remove fake tan at home – which can be tricky but it’s still super important.

No one should put tan on top of tan and expect results.

What you will end up is streaks and patches – never a good look.

We’ve all been there, those tell-tale signs on your wrists, those patchy elbows, so I am about to give you some tips to help you with the greatest life lesson EVER!!

Even if you have invested in the best fake tan ever or even one of those super expensive ones, it doesn’t make a difference – so here’s how to remove fake tan at home easily and pain-free

How to remove fake tan: Don’t scrub at your skin

We’ve all been there, woken up looking more orange than JLO goddess brown, but do not panic scrub. You will just end up in patches of fake tan.

Instead, use a body polish mixed with some baby oil and repeat this a couple of times for a more all over fade.

Only use a small amount of the oil and when it comes to moisturising after – use a body cream instead.

Gone Streaky?

Again, oil is your best friend here.

Run a bath and fill with bath oil, this will help soften the tan and make the exfoliation process much easier.

If there is no way back

Okay, if its all gone to pot and you need to get rid of your tan straight away, make sure you have a bottle of the Bondi Sands Tan Eraser in your bathroom. It can be used on older tans or freshly applied. Pump onto your skin, leave for 5 mins (I usually do this right before a shower – in front of a heater, great mental image there for you) then wipe away with a damp cloth or just jump into the shower.

Available from £9.99 at Boots.

Patchy hands and feet?

Trust me with this one, sounds odd but it’s tried and tested!

Add two tablespoons of baking soda to some water and make yourself a paste (think Ross in Friends – if you know you know) 

Rub this into your hands or feet, leave for a few minutes and then wash off. This will help remove any of those stains or creases of fake tan.

Got 3-day old tan and want to apply more?

Use Isle of Paradise Over it magic self-tan eraser.

Containing glycolic acid to exfoliate the skin this genius bottle is perfect to use before you apply your next lot of tan. Mist all over the body until your skin is super wet, wait 5 minutes then jump in the shower.

Use an exfoliating puff to buff any leftover tan off and then you’re good to reapply.

Available from £14.99 at Boots.

Let me know if you have any genius hacks that I have missed! 
