Top 5 skincare tips everyone needs to know!

When it comes to skincare I am continuously learning whether that’s always having my head in a book, reading online blogs like ours, or just trying and testing new products there are some key tips that I have learned along the way.

SPF every day!

Not just on holidays, not just when the sun is out, every single day. Spending your money on expensive creams and serums trying to turn the clock back will mean nothing if you haven’t been protecting your skin with SPF every day and not just this, wearing sunscreen every day will protect your skin against harmful skin cancers. Have you got wrinkles? sagging skin? pigmentation? if so, the first thing to think about is how often (if at all) are you applying your SPF.

Drink your water

A boring one but there is nothing better for your skin inside and out than ensuring your water intake is at least 2 litres a day. I can always tell if I haven’t been drinking enough water as my skin feels dry and almost a little flaky! If I have been opting for fizzy drinks too often this will also result in breakouts on the skin. If you really struggle with water add sugar-free juice to it, this makes it much easier!

Don’t sleep in your makeup

I think we have probably all done this at some point in our lifetime but since turning 30 and throwing away those face wipes I have made a conscious effort to always remove my makeup, even after a night out ensuring I am using a cleansing balm to remove and then using a second cleanser depending on how my skin is looking and feeling. If it’s dehydrated I opt for my hydrating cleanser, if I have blemishes I opt for my salicylic.

Add Retinol

Since turning 30 I started to add retinol into my skincare routine, starting off slow with just once a week.

Now I use it 2-3 times depending on how my skin is looking and feeling. It boosts skins elasticity, minimizes fine lines and wrinkles, and also helps to even out your skin tone.

R+ 1% Liposomal Retinol Serum is part of the FTT Skin Clinics luxury range of skin care products, and one of pur favourites to help reduce pore size, resulting in firmer younger looking skin as well as reduce, visible signs of ageing including pigmentation and uneven skin tone.

retinol serum

Get a good night’s sleep

A classic but oh so true, ensuring you are resting your body and staying away from too much blue light before bedtime will leave your skin looking and feeling the best it can do. If you struggle to switch off, try adding some lavender spray to your pillow, add an eye mask or read a few chapters of a book. Anything but staring at your screen all night!
