Can CBD help to speed up your fitness results?

Hitting the gym on a regular basis can be a hard slog at the best of times, but it can be especially hard to drag yourself there when you’re still suffering with the soreness from your last workout. But what if we told you there was a way you could train hard, without the associated aches and pains making even simple tasks, like sitting on the toilet, a struggle?

With more and more athletes speaking up on the benefits of incorporating CBD oil into their diet to help with their training, we decided to put it to the test – for the next month we’ll be testing some CBD products from Amma Life; the experts in superior grade CBD supplements. Tune in next month to find out the results!

But, in the meantime let’s take a look into how CBD can help you get the results you want.

First of all, what is CBD?

To understand how CBD can help with your workouts, you need to know what CBD actually  is. CBD is short for Cannabidoil, the non-psycho active compound found in the hemp plant that has super health giving properties. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD doesn’t produce the “high” that is so often associated with cannabis. Instead, CBD helps to trigger multiple health benefits; from pain relief to anxiety management.

can cbd speed up fitness results

How can CBD help with my training?

Whether you’re hitting the gym hard, training for a marathon or taking part in a sport; DOMS (aka.Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) can really affect your workout schedule. 

You know that burning feeling you get when you work hard at the gym, (and no, we don’t mean lying on the mat scrolling through instagram in between sets!!) Well, that’s the muscles rubbing together and tearing, which causes your muscles to become inflamed and swell, (that’s the sore feeling you have the next day!) It’s only after this swelling has gone down that the muscle can recover, (and grow) – which is where CBD can come very useful.

CBD is a natural anti-inflammatory which can help to reduce the muscle swelling, leading to faster muscle recovery – which means that you should have no excuse for any unplanned rest days! 

can cbd speed up fitness results

Why choose CBD over Ibuprofen?

Ibuprofen has gotten us through a lot of hangovers in our twenties – so we’re not knocking it too much but over-use can pose a number of health risks – especially if you’re replying on it just to be able to lift your arms above your head the day after training. There is a real worry about increased blood pressure and kidney damage in athletes that rely on such medications in order to train – so it’s hardly surprising that people are in search of a  safer pain relief.

CBD is a natural option for concerned athletes, promising pain relief and reduced inflammation without the risks associated with NSAIDs or opioids.

can cbd speed up fitness results

So, does CBD really help to improve your training? 

Well, let’s put it this way; the world’s strongest man, Eddie Hall, and martial arts champion Nate Diaz both swear by CBD to help with their training. Make sure you tune back in next month to find out the results from our trial of Amma Life!
