4 Rachel Green moments we can all relate to

Thanks to Comedy Central (and E4 many years ago), most of us have seen every Friends episode countless amounts of times. While every character of…

Ted Mosby: The Ultimate Fuckboy

At some point in our lives, we have all been strung out by a Ted Mosby: a lad who claims to like you, but not enough…

Elle Woods Quotes: 10 Important Life Lessons legally blonde taught us

With two films, a live stage show and a (questionable) spin-off, Legally Blonde is the ultimate girly cult classic, and a favourite of 20-something females…

How to escape a bad date

With the meteoric rise of Tinder, and online dating in general, it’s probably a safe assumption that many of us going on a lot more…

5 funny work memes that perfectly describe your commute

Ah, the morning commute. Whether you beep your way through the 9AM chaos or endure the woes of public transport, the journey to work is…

Good Star Wars Comebacks to use in an Argument

With the massive blockbuster Star Wars: Rogue One coming out this week, a fair few of us are excited about it. Some of you… a…

What not to do at the office Christmas party

The work office Christmas party is one of those calendar events that you’re either going to love or loathe, usually depending on how much you…
