What is the Difference Between a Standard Tub and a Soaking Tub?

Have you ever felt puzzled about choosing between a standard tub and a soaking tub? You’re not alone, especially if you’ve scrolled through several search engines seeking advice. Many share your dilemma because the variety can be overwhelming.

Today, we unravel the mysteries and learn about the Japanese jacuzzi! Are you ready to discover the perfect soak? Let’s start!

What is a Standard Tub?

A standard tub is a conventional bathtub that adheres to common dimensions and designs. They are a staple in many homes. Let’s explore the key features that define these tubs.

A. Common traits: Size and style

These tubs seamlessly fit into traditional bathrooms. Picture a rectangular or oval tub snugly in your bathroom. They come in dimensions that make installation easy and easily adapt to various room layouts. This provides a customized fit for your bath needs.

B. Usefulness: Shower combos and practicality

Usefulness is vital with standard tubs because they offer the convenience of a shower combo. These tubs suit quick baths and relaxing soaks, adding versatility to your routine. Imagine the practicality of choosing between a quick shower and a leisurely bath, transforming your bathroom experience.

C. Materials used: Acrylic, fiberglass, and other common options

Standard tubs often use acrylic or fiberglass, balancing durability and affordability. Acrylic offers a smooth finish, while fiberglass ensures resilience. These material choices boost the practicality and cost-effectiveness of standard tubs.

In essence, a standard tub embodies simplicity, functionality, and affordability. Next, let’s find out about soaking tubs and discover their unique features.

What is a Soaking Bathtub?

A soaking tub, also known as the Japanese jacuzzi,  is a luxurious bathtub designed for immersive and deep bathing experiences. The following are some common features.

A. Depth! Understanding the depth of soaking tubs

Soaking tubs redefine depth, offering a luxury of immersion. With depths exceeding standard dimensions, these tubs provide a profoundly immersive bathing experience. They allow you to submerge yourself in deep, soothing waters—a therapeutic escape within the confines of your home.

B. Distinctive design: Round, and square variations

Soaking tubs come in various shapes, from round and oval to square. They offer a design spectrum beyond convention. Each shape introduces a unique visual appeal that allows you to tailor your bath area to your stylistic preferences and create a truly personalized sanctuary.

C. Materials used: Wood, acrylic, and other materials for a luxurious touch

Materials—the very essence of soaking tub grandeur. Wood and acrylic take the lead, introducing a touch of lavishness to your bath. Wooden soaking tubs provide a warm, natural aesthetic that creates a sensory delight during your bathing ritual. Acrylic offers a sleek, smooth surface, and improves the overall visual appeal with tactile pleasure and aesthetic satisfaction. Now, let’s look at some major differences!

Difference between Soaking Tub and Bathtub

Size and Dimensions – Soaking Tub vs Bathtub

  • Standard tub dimensions: Catering to limited spaces

Tailored for small areas, standard tubs usually range from 60 to 72 inches in length. They offer functionality in confined spaces and are the best fit if you’ve ever grappled with the challenge of creating a serene bathing experience in a cozy bathroom. It’s about finding joy in a good soak while acknowledging the realities of limited room.

  • Soaking tub dimensions: Prioritizing depth over length

Now, envision a paradigm shift—soaking tubs redefine dimensions and emphasize depth over length. These tubs boast depths of 20 inches or more. It’s a departure from the conventional that offers an experience that goes beyond the surface.

  • Space considerations: Choosing the right fit for your bathroom

Consider your bathroom’s personality—standard tubs snugly fit into compact spaces, optimizing functionality. But what about those yearning for a spa-like haven? Soaking tubs cater to spacious bathrooms, offering a luxurious centerpiece. It’s about harmonizing your tub choice with your bathroom’s unique dimensions and ambiance.

Installation Requirements – Soaking Tub vs Regular Tub

  • Standard tub installation: Simplicity and ease

Installing a regular tub is a simple process designed for ease. These tubs easily fit into most bathrooms without demanding complex adjustments. This straightforward endeavor ensures your bathing oasis is ready with minimal fuss.

  • Soaking tub installation: Additional considerations for weight and space

Soaking tub installation involves extra considerations, especially regarding weight and space. These luxurious tubs, often heavier, require a sturdier foundation. Hence, accommodating the weight and size of a soaking tub demands meticulous planning.

It’s a careful process to ensure both safety and indulgence in your bathing retreat. Soaking tubs demand a more strategic approach because of the structural implications of integrating a heavier fixture into your bathroom design.

  • Plumbing considerations

Standard tubs mostly employ conventional drain and faucet placements. However, with soaking tubs, it’s a different story. Adjusting plumbing to accommodate unique designs and depths requires careful planning.

Attention to detail ensures that the water systems complement the unique dimensions and designs of these indulgent fixtures. Plumbing becomes an integral part of the customization process for soaking tubs, which contributes to their overall luxurious appeal.

Comfort and Relaxation

A. Standard tub comfort: Practicality for quick baths

Visualize practicality—standard tubs cater to quick baths and emphasize efficiency. They are designed for those on-the-go moments when time is of the essence. It’s about embracing simplicity for a refreshing yet speedy bathing experience.

B. Soaking tub relaxation: Submerging for a more immersive experience

Soaking tubs redefine relaxation with their depth. Picture submerging into luxuriously deep waters, enveloped in peace. Fathom the indulgence of sinking into a soaking tub and leaving the cares of the day behind. Soaking tubs can do just that. They convert the ordinary to moments of profound relaxation.


To recap our journey, standard tubs appear as practical, versatile choices suitable for traditional designs and limited spaces. On the other hand, soaking tubs represent luxury and spa-like aesthetics, turning bathrooms into personal retreats. The key is to understand the unique characteristics each type brings to your bathing space.

Choosing between a standard tub and a soaking tub is a decision that should align with your lifestyle, preferences, and the ambiance you desire. Reflect on your bathing habits, space constraints, and the aesthetic appeal you envision. By considering these factors, you empower yourself to make a decision that enhances your overall bathing experience.

In these concluding moments, keep in mind that your bathroom is a personal sanctuary. Whether you opt for the simplicity of a standard tub or the indulgence of a soaking tub, the goal is to create a space that resonates with your needs.

As we say goodbye to our exploration of tubs, we encourage you to explore further, visit https://www.aquaticabath.co.uk/category/soaking-bathtubs to immerse yourself in the world of bathing possibilities. Your bathroom should reflect your personality, providing a haven where relaxation and rejuvenation coexist. Happy bathing!
