Why it’s important to stay independent in your relationship

Being independent is not something everyone can do. In essence, independence is a skill that not many of us possess but can certainly develop. It’s important to understand that when you are in a relationship you still need to be able to independently do things on your own. You need to be able to have a life of your own do not live your life centered around another human being.

Many relationships tend to have some sort of dependence. For example, you may depend on your partner to take care of certain bills while you may take care of others. Depending on your partner for certain tasks is not at all detrimental to your relationship. However, what happens when for any reason your partner is not able to meet certain criteria for the month. Are you still able to continue comfortably and stress-free? Does your whole world begin to collapse around you?

The ability to pick up where they have left off

Being financially stable as a couple is one thing, being financially stable on your own is even more important. Growing up I’ve always been the type of person to do it on my own. If I didn’t have something I simply did without until I could get it myself. I was not one to ask my parents for unnecessary things just because it was the latest craze.

Growing up with this type of mindset has given me a sort of independence. I like to know that I worked hard o be where I am and for what it is I need and want. This being said independence tends to go hand in hand with hard work. As we all know hard work pays. Knowing that if your partner is ever short or unfortunately absent for any reason you are still able to carry on comfortable with your life and not stress.

This will also give you confidence and reassurance in who you are as an individual. If you are currently struggling with confidence working on being financially stable can help to boost this and your independence.

No need to wait when you’re independent

Independent individuals typically don’t wait around for others to do things for them. They also don’t have to wait around for someone to do something for themselves. Independence gives you the ability to be able to just do whatever you may wish whenever. Independent people tend to be able to make decisions on their own which can be beneficial in your relationship. If you are placed in a situation where you have to make tough decisions on your own and your partner isn’t available to input you are able to make a sound decision on your own. One that will be not only beneficial for you but beneficial for the both of you.

Your happiness is front and center

Too many times we tend to put the happiness of others before our own. While I am not knocking how good this is, sometimes it can be really detrimental to ourselves. Relying on someone else for your happiness is never good and you will ultimately set yourself up for disappointment. The only person that should be in charge of your happiness is you. Being dependent on yourself places that responsibility on you and your mental health will definitely thank you for it.

It’s important to understand that it is simply human nature to want to depend on someone else. Being independent takes time and dedication and is really habit you train your brain to accept. The sooner you realize that your better off being independent the better your relationship will be as you can now focus on other more romantic things and simply being together.

If you like what you read check out my recent post on my struggle to starting a profitable blog.

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