Mercury is in retrograde, but wtf does that mean?

Whether you believe Mercury retrograde is real, or just use it as an excuse to cancel plans and something you blame your problems on, it’s back – and it’s time we talked about it.

Is mercury in retrograde?

YES, mercury is in retrograde. Which might explain why you’ve been feeling irrational, chaotic and deflated. We’re taking a look at how it can affect your emotions, and how to survive this astrological phenomenon.

In 2022, Mercury will be in retrograde during the following dates:

  • January 13 to February 3 
  • May 10 to June 2
  • September 9 to October 1
  • December 28 to January 18 (2023)
what does mercury in retrograde mean

What does mercury retrograde mean?

First of all, the phrase is deceptive. “Mercury retrograde” implies that the planet reverses it’s orbit and when, in fact, the whole thing is just an optical illusion making it look as if Mercury has changed direction.

During this time, astrologists say that anything to do with communication and technology can get get a little f*ed up. Which is terrible news for those of you who still haven’t got the hang of Zoom after a full year of of lockdown.

Also, because Mercury is the closest planet to our sun and the smallest in our solar system, (did you know: it’s only a little bit bigger than the Earth’s moon) it can move fast – which means that it enters retrograde around three to four times a year for three-week periods. Like we didn’t already have enough on our plates.

what does mercury in retrograde mean

Can it affect my emotions?

In short: yes. Mercury Retrograde has a habit of really causing chaos.

If we take things right back to Greek mythology, Mercury is the messenger God – and it’s said that the main effect of Mercury being in retrograde is messages getting lost in translation. That means miscommunication and rows could be on the cards, You also might be in real danger of pocket-dialling your ex, so keep checking that phone.

Experts also say that it can really affect your mood – so if you’re feeling deflated you can blame the planets.

Signs that it is f*cking with you can include:

  • You feel like you’re having a long, drawn out existential crisis
  • You’re overthinking everything
  • You’re more irrational than usual, and your reactions to minor inconveniences are, ahem, a little over-the top
  • You feel yourself beating yourself up over stupid things

What should I do when Mercury is in retrograde?

First of all, you should hold off making any life-altering decisions.

In fact, I’d avoid making any hard plans or commitments completely if I were you – and try to think before you speak if you want to avoid causing murder wherever you go.

But it’s not all bad, it’s a great excuse to pause, reevaluate and reset. Remember to:

  • Keep your protection crystals to hand
  • Slow down, take your time and pay attention to details.
  • Channel the energy in the positive way by using this time to deal with anything that might require reevaluation or revision.
  • This is a good time to retrace our steps and go revisit old ground. So, if there’s someone from your past you’d like to reconnect with, now’s the time.
