Newborn essentials checklist: what you actually need for your first baby

Preparing for your first baby can seem daunting, with so many new baby products advertised it can be hard to know exactly what you need and what newborn essentialsto buy.

Babies grow very quick, so don’t get caught up in spending a fortune on things you might not need or things they will grow out of in a week or two.

We’ve listed below all the newborn essentials you will need and the basics for the first six months to help you in preparing for your first baby, as recommended by some of our editors. 

Baby clothes: 

newborn essentials

For a newborn, don’t go overboard buying baby clothes before the arrival as you can’t judge exactly what size will fit until after. Instead just purchase the absolute essentials. You’ll want to have at least eight baby grows or sleep suits to start, with a mix of short-sleeve and long-sleeve, as this will be the most comfy clothing and mostly what they’ll wear during the newborn days. Around five to six vests, newborn hats, one or two cardigans and if it’s Winter, you’ll also need a warm coat or snowsuit.

  • 6-8 babygrows
  • 5-6 vests
  • 2-3 cardigans
  • 1-2 hats
  • Coat or snowsuit (if it’s Winter)

Nappies & changing

Newborns can need changing anywhere between 10 to 15 times per day, so ensure you buy enough nappies to get you through at least two weeks in newborn size. Some parents recommend a changing mat, but this is not 100% essential as some find it easier to change on their lap – see what works best for you. You will also need barrier creams to prevent a rash and disposable wipes for cleaning. If you plan to use reusables, you will need around twelve with nappy liners.

Baby nests are another great investment that is not only great for resting, but it comes in super handy for changing baby in the house or on the go.

  • 2-3 of 52 pack newborn nappies
  • Baby wipes
  • Disposable nappy bags
  • Barrier cream / ointment
  • Changing mat


If you are breastfeeding, you probably won’t need any equipment, just some bibs and a nursing bra (buy one cup size larger than your pregnant bra size in case buying before newborn) and breast pads (disposable or washable). If you plan to express milk for your partner to help with the feeds, you will need a breast pump, bottles and milk storing containers.

For formula feeding you will need bottles, teats and brushes, a quality steriliser, baby formula and a thermal bottle carrier. When bottle feeding you will need to burp the baby so lots of bibs and burping cloths will come in handy.

One thing that all our mums recommend is muslin swaddles, they come in super useful from swaddling baby for a restful sleep (no-one told me about that pesky moro reflux that wakes them up!) to mopping up milk spills and posseting to covering baby (babies like to have a layer over them to sleep, even when it’s sweltering outside), muslin swaddles are a parent’s best friend.

  • Bibs
  • Burp cloths / muslin swaddles
  • Nursing bra
  • Breast pump
  • Bottles 
  • Milk storing containers
  • Steriliser


Until your baby is six months old, the NHS recommends that they should sleep in the same room as you. Choosing what your baby sleeps in really depends on your personal circumstances, you might decide to go straight to cot or have them sleep in a crib or moses basket so you can move this downstairs with ease during the day. 

Cribs and moses baskets can be used up until around three to four months old, depending on the baby’s weight and how alert they are at three months. Some parents recommend having a separate moses basket for downstairs during the day, but this is completely a personal choice. You will also need a suitable mattress, at least 3 to 4 fitted sheets and a cellular blanket or a sleeping bag.  

The Next2Me Magic crib comes highly recommended by our editors, with 3 of them having used them with their little ones. The Next2Me Magic includes a number of exciting and unique features, with a stylish design that offers maximum comfort for both mother and baby, and the sliding side panel makes it even easier for parents to reach their little one during the night. As Chicco’s most innovative side sleeping crib yet, the Next2Me Magic also includes a new rocking mechanism that can be operated in free standing mode by the touch of a button, and can be easily moved thanks to the four swivelling wheels.

  • Next to me crib, or moses basket
  • Mattress (to fit above)
  • At least 4 fitted sheets
  • Cellular blanket or sleeping bag

Check out the NHS guide for cot safety advice here.

newborn essentials

Bath time: 

For bathtime, it really  depends on your personal preference or what space you have in your home. You can either get a separate baby bath or a newborn support that you can use in your main bath if you have limited space. You will also need some washcloths or sponges suitable for newborns, baby soap or cleanser, baby soft-bristle hairbrush and soft-hooded towels.

  • Baby bath or newborn bath support
  • Cotton washcloths or sponges
  • Newborn towels (not essential, you can use any towels)
  • Mild baby wash or cleanser
  • Soft bristle hairbrush


Before purchasing any travel systems or pushchairs, you first need to think about what exactly you need and how you plan to get around, then decide what features you will need. For prams or pushchairs you will need to ensure that it is suitable for newborn, is able to lay flat, has shade for summer and a rain cover for winter.

If you have a car, then a car seat is an absolute essential. However, it makes sense to get something that’s two in one, that can easily go from pushchair to car seat with ease (and back again).

This will make things a lot easier, less stressful and save space and weight when travelling. The Cosmos travel system bundle is a great example of this as it offers everything a parent needs from birth to 22kg (without the hefty price tag). It comes with a frame and base, two-way seat, carry cot and car seat.

For perants who travel mostly by car, then you’ll get the most use out of a quality car seat such as the RECARO Salia Elite, this comes highly recommended as one of the most convienient from birth up to four yeears. The RECARO Salia offers comfort and safety and boasts an impressive design to make it as simple and secure as possible. The 360° rotatable makes it easier than ever to get little ones in and out of the car, and the advanced side protection provides maximum protection in the event of a collision. 

  • Pushchair 
  • Car seat (if you have a car)
  • Carrycot
  • Baby changing bag

Baby Safety: 

Although not technically an essential item, baby monitors are really useful to have for newborn babies, especially if it’s your first. A lot of first time parents we’ve spoken to have said that having that added safety measure in place puts their mind at ease. 

One that comes highly recommended by one of our editors, is the Owlet Camera, which offers a high resolution picture, wide-angle lense, night vision, two-way audio and adjustable magnetic base that can be set to any angle. The live picture is then streamed through the Owlet app allowing parents to see all the data in one place, including room temperature. Owlet also offers an amazing product called the Smart Sock, which wraps around the baby’s foot and tracks heart rate, oxygen levels and sleep. Parents have access to the data via an app that notifies them to any changes that may be a cause for concern. 

Read next: top tips for new mums, from actual mums.
