Training at Unit 7 Gym Liverpool: The house of functional fitness!

Unit 7 gym Liverpool

When we were asked down to Unit 7 Liverpool for a PT session, Sam and I both thought we’d likely be getting a killer circuit session by a trained PT, in return for some coverage on the blog – which sounded cool. However, when we arrived, it appeared that head trainer Kane, had different ideas. Not wanting to just do what all other PT’s do, he wanted us to experience Unit 7’s meticulous training programme which includes a full body assessment plus a workout and nutrition programme totally tailored to you. With 4 weeks to do it in, we were well up for the challenge.

Session 1: Consultation

Situated on Brunswick business park, Unit 7 is a super cool workout space with plenty of equipment to get an in-depth PT session as well as physio rooms and offices upstairs. Our first session with Kane involved a consultation during which we were asked about our current exercise and eating habits and routines as well as openly asked what we’d like to achieve from the course. Being a self-confessed exercise addict i told Kane that i wanted to cut down the number of sessions i do (up to 10 per week, sometimes more) and make the ones i do do, more efficient.

Session 2: Assessments

Our second session involved an assessment of our movements. Starting with a short walk up and down to lunges and squats, Kane assessed how we moved and noticed areas that needed work – he immediately spotted that i carry a heavy bag daily on my right shoulder. This assessment allows the workout programme created by Unit 7 to be totally tailored to you, working on strengthening weak areas to avoid injury. As well as a movement assessment, we also had our body fat measured – the percentage revealed whether or not we were at a healthy level of body fat and also gave us something to work towards (both myself and @samsfitdairy named fat loss as an end goal after our time at Unit 7).

Session 3: The practical

We were given simple workouts (starting with a 10 minute walk on the treadmill) which would build the base of our programme. From lunges to deadlifts and planks, all of the movements we were given were designed to be perfected before we could add heavier weight and advance with our training. To see where form improvement was needed, Kane videoed our movements so that we could watch them back – which proved really useful when looking at where our form fell short. With the basic movements in place, we were told to incorporate these into our current workout routines.

Session 4: Nutrition

The fourth week was nutrition week and previous to this we’d sent Kane pictures of exactly what we’d eaten, over the course of the week (the purpose of this is for him to get an idea of the client’s current nutrition situation). We were then given a session discussing exactly the best foods that would not only encourage fat loss but also aid our training and help us to be the best and healthiest versions of ourselves. Unit 7 advises to follow a natural, organic and un-processed diet where possible, but of course being realistic and ensuring that it fits into everyday life (meaning that you don’t have to completely give up ‘unhealthy options’ such as alcohol or high fat foods).

Overall, my experience at Unit 7 Gym was a true eye opener. Not only were weaknesses in my form and posture spotted but I also learnt about body fat percentage and and the correct nutrition. I’m excited to apply everything I’ve learnt from the programme and see my results in 8 week time (hoping to drop a couple of body fat percentage!). Id highly recommend Unit 7 Gym to anyone looking to make a change but unsure where to start, whether that’s losing fat, getting stronger or simply feeling that lil bit healthier!

Watch our training videos below…
