6 things you can only get away with when you’re pregnant

Pregnancy can be an ordeal for many women; from the morning sickness at the beginning to the swelling at the end – and let’s not forget the raging heartburn throughout! But growing a tiny human does have it’s own benefits – and can sometimes be your ‘get out of jail free’ card to ignore most of the social conventions you previously held dear. So mama, things aren’t all bad – let’s take a look at some of the things you can only get away with when you’re pregnant.

Eat whatever you want, whenever you want

When the unrelenting nausea finally lets up, pregnancy is a great excuse to enjoy eating whatever you want – a rare luxury for anyone who is constantly chasing that elusive bikini body. Of course, you still need to pay attention to your nutrition and care for your body (and baby) as best you can, but it isn’t half a great excuse to indulge! After all, who’s going to dare face the wrath of a pregnant woman by mentioning that she’s on her third doughnut?

eat what you want pregnancy

Be as antisocial as you like

Ok, the constant tiredness and alcohol ban can be a pain – but pregnancy can also be a great excuse to get out of all of those social occasions you just really can’t be arsed going to. After all, the baby needs rest and who’s going to expect you to pull a pair of heels onto those poor swollen feet of yours – nobody, that’s who!

antisocial whilst pregnant

Become shameless

Before falling pregnant you were probably fiercely private about your body, but that all changes after a couple of visits to the midwife. Before you know it, you’ll be discussing every bodily function with complete strangers – and you’ll get very used to whipping your pants off in a room full of people and letting them have a good nose around. As far as you’re concerned, as long as everything is OK up there, you’re shameless – let’s just hope you never have to bump into these people in The Asda!

Make your own fashion rules

Men’s hoodies, over-the-jump jeans and slippers; what a combination. Pregnancy is the perfect excuse to wear whatever the fuck you want, no matter what it looks like. It’s not that you lose all fashion sense when you fall pregnant, it’s just that sweatpants are all that fit you right now – and when you’re back is aching an your feet are swollen, you’ll 100% choose comfort over couture! Plus, maternity clothes are vile, so you have to make do with what you can find!

maternity clothes vile

Nap. All the time.

2pm nap on the couch? Don’t mind if I do. Pregnancy is exhausting, and getting comfy during the night is hard work – so you need to grab those forty winks wherever you can. Plus, once the baby arrives you can kiss goodbye to your weekend lie ins, so you might as well enjoy those zzzz while you still Lettincan!

pregnancy naps

Letting the waterworks flow

No, I’m not talking about pissing yourself – although leaking when you sneeze in the later months is a horrible side effect that people fail to mention when you first fall pregnant – I’m talking about crying. About everything. RSPCA advert comes on the TV? Tears. Someone shares a video of a baby laughing on Facebook? Tears. Dropped your car keys? You guessed it, tears. Pregnancy will have your hormones raging, so don’t be concerned when you find yourself crying just because someone made you a cup of tea – it’s totally normal!

Yes, pregnancy might be hard work, but you really can do whatever you want without a care in the world. So, to all you mamas-to-be, stand proud in your horrible, wide-fit shoes with tear stains down your face – you’re doing an amazing job and you’re soon to get the best reward ever!
