7 Green Crystals and Their Magical Healing Properties: Unleash Your Inner Goddess!

Are you ready to embark on a journey into the enchanting world of crystals? If you’ve ever been intrigued by the captivating allure of green gemstones and their mystical powers, then get ready to be blown away by the wonders of green crystals!

Let us take you on a magical ride through the realm of green crystals, each possessing unique healing properties that will help you tap into your inner strength and harmony. So, whether you’re a seasoned crystal enthusiast or a curious newbie, get ready to infuse your life with a splash of vibrant green energy!

Why Green Crystals, You Ask?

Green crystals are like Mother Nature’s little energy boosters! They are renowned for their heart-opening properties and their ability to connect us with the lushness of the natural world. These gorgeous gemstones are said to resonate with the heart chakra, inviting feelings of love, compassion, and growth into our lives. And who wouldn’t want a dash of love and positive vibes sprinkled into their daily routine?

The best green healing crystals

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1. Green Aventurine Crystals

Kicking off our green crystal extravaganza is Aventurine, the ultimate lucky charm!

Whether you need a boost in your career or an extra dose of luck in love, Aventurine is here to back you up with its prosperity-attracting magic. This green gemstone is also fantastic for soothing anxiety and bringing a sense of calm when life gets a bit chaotic. Green Aventurine crystals are thought to provide strength, confidence, courage and happiness. It is said to help if you need some renewed optimism for life and this stone urges people to get out of their comfort zones and take on new opportunities.

Green Aventurine is also said to be a perfect stone to take travelling with you, or to keep close by if you’re embarking on a new adventure.

green aventurine crystal candle

Grateful Green Aventurine Crystal Candle | £20 | Not On The High Street

2. Malachite

Looking for a fierce companion to stand by your side? Say hello to Malachite, the fearless protector! This striking green crystal is your go-to when it comes to breaking free from old patterns, boosting self-confidence, and promoting emotional growth. Trust us; this stone means business!

Thought to be the ultimate stone of protection, Malachite facilitates transformation and encourages risk taking and change. But remember… Green Malachite crystals should always be handled with caution thought, because it is said to amplify both negative and positive energies.

manifest malachite green crystal candle

Manifest Malachite Crystal Candle | £16 | Not On The High Street

3. Chrysocolla

Chrysocolla is the green stone of communication, and is thought to encourage expression and empowerment whilst soothing self doubt. Closely related to Malachite, Chrysocolla is thought to help resolve conflicts amicably and to help the wearer to establish and respect their own boundaries.

Chrysocolla encourages you to ride the waves of life fearlessly. Its soothing energy helps release stress and anxiety, making way for a surge of joy and enthusiasm. Need a little boost in your communication skills? Chrysocolla has your back! This green crystal is said to help empower you to express yourself with confidence.

So, whether you’re navigating stormy seas or basking in the sunlit shallows, Chrysocolla’s vivacious vibes will be your guiding light. Embrace the oceanic magic of Chrysocolla and ride high on the waves of positivity!

Mini Chrysocolla Wrapped Hoops

Mini Chrysocolla Wrapped Hoops | £32 | Not On The High Street

4. Green Jade 

Green Jade gemstone are said to bless whatever it touches, and have been used to bring good luck by various cultures throughout the world.

Jade is thought to be the stone of calm in the midst of a storm, and is used to help balance nerves, emotions and feelings of guilt. Associated with Heart Chakra, green Jade is sad to inspire love later in life improves dysfunctional relationships, both with the self and with others. Feeling overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of modern life? Enter Green Jade, the Serene Soother. Like a calming oasis, this green crystal’s energy embraces you with tranquility and inner peace. It’s perfect for those moments when you need to hit the pause button and reconnect with your inner Zen.

African Jade Stone Hoop Earrings In Gold Plating

African Jade Stone Hoop Earrings In Gold Plating | £15.20 | Not On The High Street

5. Pistachio Calcite

Pistachio Calcite is the crystal of self-discovery, and is thought to invite abundance and new opportunities into your life. Often used in meditation rituals, this stone is thought to help you to dissolve old belief patterns, and help you move into a new, healthier state of being.

This charming green crystal exudes a warm and comforting energy, like a loving embrace from Mother Nature herself. Just as the pistachio nut holds hidden treasures within its shell, Pistachio Calcite holds the power to renew your spirit and uplift your soul.

When life becomes a whirlwind, turn to Pistachio Calcite to find your center. Its revitalizing energy sweeps away fatigue and invigorates your mind, body, and spirit. This green crystal’s sweet vibrations help you embrace change and new beginnings with a sense of joy and enthusiasm. It encourages you to let go of the past and open your heart to the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

Pistachio Calcite Crystal Case For iPhone

Pistachio Calcite Crystal Case For iPhone | £24.95 | Not On The High Street

6. Raw Peridot

Raw Peridot is often associated with strength and balance, and it is it is believed to help harmonise the mind to help to bring peace, health and rest.

This captivating green gemstone is a burst of positive energy, like the first rays of sunshine after a refreshing rain. Just as the earth is reborn with every passing season, Raw Peridot brings the gift of renewal to your life, inviting you to let go of the old and welcome the new.

Embrace the uplifting vibes of Raw Peridot as it helps you release negativity and fosters a sense of clarity and purpose. It’s your soul’s loyal cheerleader, encouraging personal growth and inner transformation.

Like a sunbeam through the leaves, Raw Peridot illuminates your path, guiding you towards happiness and success. Its radiant energy boosts confidence and amplifies your intuition, making you feel like you can conquer any challenge that comes your way.

peridot green crystals
Raw Peridot Necklace | £20 | Not On The High Street

7. Prehnite

This captivating green crystal acts as a gateway to inner peace and spiritual harmony, like a dreamcatcher capturing all your worries and replacing them with serenity. Prehnite is thought to help align your heart and mind, helping you find balance amidst life’s ebbs and flows.

Embrace the calming vibrations of green Prehnite as it soothes your spirit and nurtures your dreams. It’s like a warm, loving hug from the universe, guiding you towards clarity and insight.

Prehnite opens the door to divine communication and enhances your intuition, like whispers from the cosmos guiding you on your path. When you seek to connect with your higher self, this green crystal will be your faithful companion, offering gentle guidance and support.

Gold Filled Prehnite Drop Necklace

Gold Filled Prehnite Drop Necklace | £38 | Not On The High Street
