Is the moon making you crazy? Let’s talk about how the lunar cycle dances with your emotions!

Have you ever wondered if the moon has more influence on us than just its pretty glow in the night sky? Well, hold onto your…

Full moon rituals & spells: everything you need to know

The first thing you need to know about the full moon, is that it draws cycles to a close. So, your full moon rituals should…

5 recipes to improve your gut health

Gut health has been linked to everything from our immune systems to our mental health – so if you want to improve your gut health…

Purple Crystals: Healing Gems for the Modern Goddess

Welcome to the enchanting realm of purple crystals! These captivating gemstones have captured the hearts of people across the globe with their alluring beauty and…

Wellness products we’re loving for Autumn

We’ve rounded up some of the best beauty and wellness products for Autumn, from fabulous new skincare to new tech for women’s health, all of…

8 surprising health benefits of watercress

Watercress, and it’s distinctive peppery taste is often used to add a kick to salad, soup, smoothies, pesto or pretty much anything! But this underrated…

13 crystals for protection against BS and bad vibes

Sick of dealing with all the BS and bad vibes that life sometimes throws our way? Well, we’ve got a sparkling solution for you! Introducing…
