13 crystals for protection against BS and bad vibes

Sick of dealing with all the BS and bad vibes that life sometimes throws our way? Well, we’ve got a sparkling solution for you! Introducing the enchanting world of crystals for protection – the ultimate shield against negative energy!

Our top 13 crystals for protection are your new personal squad of mystical bodyguards, ready to fend off the BS with a fabulous touch of magic. Whether you’re navigating through toxic work environments or dodging energy vampires, these gemstones have your back!

From the shimmering Amethyst, known for its calming vibes, to the fiery powerhouse that is Black Tourmaline, each crystal has its unique mojo to safeguard your precious energy. Oh, and let’s not forget the beautiful Rose Quartz, the ultimate heart healer, because self-love is crucial, darling!

(We’ll also let you in on some insider tips and tricks to supercharge your crystal’s protective prowess.)

So, are you ready to boss up, banish negativity, and embrace the crystal vibes? Let’s dive into this sparkly wonderland and discover the best crystals for protection, (and how to use them!)

The best crystals for protection

Black Tourmaline crystals for protection and healing

Black Tourmaline protection crystals

Black Tourmaline is arguably the most powerful gemstone for keeping those bad vibes at bay. Considered to be a highly protective crystal, it can also help to ground you when the world becomes a tad *overwhelming*.

Folklore says you should always keep Black Tourmaline close by; either in your bag, on a windowsill or above your doorframes, to cast an energy shield over your home and keep others from sending their negative energy your way. As well as boosting your good luck, this jet black gemstone it’s thought to be a powerful protective stone against accidents or misfortune.


Smoky Quartz for grounding your energy

smoky quartz crystal for grounding and healing
Photo by Esther Verdú on Unsplash

Smoky Quartz is a highly protective crystal, often used by healers across the globe to help to gently clear any negative vibrations within the body. Typically associated with the Earth element and Root Chakra, Smoky Quartz is thought to channel negative energy into the earth where it can be neutralised and released.

Known as one of the best crystals to use for grounding, Smoky Quartz is said to spiritually represent our connection to Mother Earth. It can be used during meditations to help heighten your own intuition and spot when something’s a bit *off* before it becomes a problem…


Black Kyanite to repel bad vibes

black kyanite to repel bad vibes
Image by Freepik

One of the best healing crystals to use to protect yourself from toxic vibes is the beautiful Black Kyanite.

This coal-like crystal protects your chi from energy vampires, making it the perfect stone to keep close by if you’re struggling with problematic relationships, romantic or otherwise…

Black Kyanite is also thought to be a good stone to use for releasing things that no longer serve you. Write what you want to let go of on a piece of paper, and place it under a Black Kyanite crystal. The next day burn the paper – this may help to raise your vibrational frequency and bring yourself back into alignment.


Malachite to absorb negative energies

malachite crystal to absorb negative energy
Photo by Laura Olsen on Unsplash

Malachite crystals are said to absorb negative energies and pollutants, working by picking them up from the atmosphere and from the body. Used to help unblock the chakras, Malachite is also said to help you to tune into messages from your spirit guides.

Here to help you deal with any big life changes, Malachite is sometimes referred to as the ‘Stone of Transformation’, and is associated with keeping your senses sharp, (and intuition sharper!)

This gorgeous green crystal is also thought to have a strong vibrational connection to the heart chakra, making it a good choice for anyone needing a bit of TLC when it comes to healing of the heart.


Black tourmalinated quartz crystals for protection against self-sabotage

Black tourmalinated quartz crystals

Need some protection again self-sabotage? Black Tourmalinated Quartz is the crystal for you. This spiky wonder is a great stone to use for grounding practices, and can help you to reprogram any negative thought patterns.

Combining the powerful energies of both Quartz and Black Tourmaline, this baby helps to balance your yin and yang energies, allowing you to release any negative habits and just go with the flow, baby!


Selenite crystals for protection in your home


Selenite is considered to be one of the must-have crystals for protecting your home and family.

Thought to energetically purify and cleanse the air wherever it’s placed, Selenite is also helps to calm and soothe the vibe during stressful situations. They say anyone who come under it’s energy field will recieve a deep peace and sense of tranquillity – so get these gorgeous gems above your doorframes, stat!

Also, unlike our other crystals for protection, (that require regular cleansing to remove any bad energy they might have absorbed) our sprakly selenite is self-cleansing – AND can be used to cleanse others.


Emerald crystals, to help heal a broken heart

Emerald Crystals for protection

Broken hearted? Feeling blue? Emerald crystals help to give your heart protection when it’s feeling broken. Thes gorgeous green crystals radiate healing energy, and are strongly connected to the Heart Chakra – so we recommend wearing one on a oendant around your neck to feel those good vibes!

As the stone of successful love, Emeralds can also be placed on your bedside table, to encourage healthy communcation and bring balance to turbulant relationships.

Here to help you untangle those miscommunications, Emeralds also help you to better articulate what’s on your mind. It can also help you to see through other people’s lies – a cosmic bullshit detector, if you will.


Ruby crystals to raise your vibration

Ruby protection crystals

One of the most popular gemstones across the globe, Ruby crystals are associated with protection, success, power and victory. These gorgeous red gemstones encourage a firey passion for life, whilst also stimulating your Root Chakra to help keep you grounded, (and ensure that your goals are realistic.)

By raising your vibration and improving your outlook on life, Rubies are a powerful crystal for protection – particularly against energy vampires, or fake friends with bad intentions.

Tiger’s Eye crystals for protection against ill-will

Tiger's Eye Crystals and their uses

When it comes to crystals for protection, Tiger Eye is a powerful guardian of positive energy and good luck. With a mesmerizing golden-brown hue, this gorgeous gemstone resembles the watchful eye of the… you guessed it. Tiger.

Tiger’s Eye crystals protective properties create an energetic shield, warding off bad vibes and ill-intentions. Like a trusty sidekick, it keeps you grounded, enhancing your inner strength, courage, and confidence.

Whether you’re navigating the hustle of everyday life or seeking an extra layer of spiritual protection, Tiger’s Eye has your back. Traditionally, Wiccan practitioners would carry Raw Tiger’s Eye in amulets as protection against curses or ill-wishing. Today, Tiger’s Eye is still worn as jewellery to help boost courage, self confidence and strength of will. Fortune favours the bold, after all!


Amethyst to help relieve high tension situations

Amethyst crystals for grounding and protection

Amethyst crystals are famous for bringing a sense of calm and clarity to our chaotic world.

Said to have a direct link to the divine, Amethyst crystals have been used in protection spells for over 4000 years; dating back to Ancient Egyptian and Greek cultures. The renowned gemstone is thought to emit a calming vibration that helps relieve high tension and bring balance.

Associatied with both the Third Eye and the Crown Chakra, Amethyst helps keep your emotions in check and level out feelings of anxiety. IT can also be used in times of intense grief, as Amethyst crystals are said to cleanse the aura of sadness and regret, and release of feelings and thoughts that are no longer serving you.


Obsidian crystals for protection and seeing through the BS

Obsidian crystals for protection

Made from volxani glass and carrying an intense earthly energy, Obsidan is said to shield and cleanse your aura from negative influences – making it one of the best crystals for protection against toxic family members.

Obsidian acts as a psychic vacuum, drawing in and dispelling toxic energies, bad vibes, and lingering emotional baggage. See it as your pocket-sized shield; keeping negativity at bay in times of chaos.

To use Obsidian for protection, carry a tumbled stone in your pocket or place crystals on your windowsills to creates a protective barrier around your home.

For deep energetic cleansing, try meditating with Obsidian or holding it against your heart during grounding practices.


Pyrite to keep bad vibes at bay

Pyrite crystals

Pyrite, also known as fool’s gold, is thought to be a very unique protection crystal that draws energy from the Earth through your body and into your aura to create almost a spiritual defensive shield against negative energies, emotional attacks and any physical harm that might be directed your way.

It is also thought to be the stone of boldness; giving you the strength to take assertive action when protecting others, the planet, or in standing up for important issues of community.

Pyrite is also thought to help stimulate the Second and Third Chakras, in order to enhance your personal ability to see the truth through lies.


Clear quartz to dispel negativity

clear quartz crystals

Clear quartz is thought to be a one of the most powerful and potent crystals for protection available.

As well as being thought to help balance emotions and helping you to remain positive in times of adversity, Clear Quartz is considered to be a ‘master healer’ that clears away any negative energy that you may have inadvertently absorbed, or that could have been sent your way via a pyschic attack.

Clear Quartz is also thought to help to open your crown chakra which, which is said to rule your connection to your Higher Self and to the spiritual world – allowing you to stay balanced and positive no matter what bad vibes might come your way!


How to use crystals for protection

how to use crystals for protection
Healing reiki chakra crystals therapy. Rituals with gemstones and aromatherapy for wellbeing, meditation, destress, relaxation, mental health, spiritual practices. Energetical power concept

So, you know WHAT crystals you should be using for protection, but how TF do you actually use them? Well, that really depends on you.

Protection crystals can be used in a number of different ways, so it’s worth trying a few out to see what most attracts you. Some ways include:

  • Wearing protection crystals as a necklace or ring to shield yourself from negativity throughout the day
  • Place your crystals by your front door (or in each corner of your home if you want to take it to the next level).
  • Keeping crystals for protection on your desk (especially if you happen to work in a toxic environment, or with negative people.)
  • Keep them in your bra, pocket or handbag. And always in your luggage if you’re travelling somewhere new.
  • Place them between you and your computer, or as charm on your phone.
