Inspirational body positive influencers you need to be following in 2024

In a world of filters, fillers and huge pressure to conform to what society deems as attractive, these body positive influencers are inspiring us to…

Protein Pancakes Recipe: A guide to a guilt-free Pancake Day

For many of us, Pancake Day is an excuse to relinquish any remaining hopes we had of clinging to the illusion that we eat healthily.…

How to cleanse crystals

Crystals; whether you believe that they act on an energetic level to send natural vibrations out into the world, use them to help soothe your…

Homemade Veggie Pizza recipe with added health benefits

Pizza is most people’s go-to food when it comes to junk food or treat meals, and for vegetarians it’s hard to find a suitable ‘shop…

Mercury is in retrograde, but wtf does that mean?

Whether you believe Mercury retrograde is real, or just use it as an excuse to cancel plans and something you blame your problems on, it’s…

Veganuary Meal Plan: 7 Ways to Stay on Track

Yen Goo, Owner of Vegan and Upcycling fashion brand Paguro, has put together some actionable tips and ways to stay on track with your veganuary…

CBD oil for sleep & anxiety: does it work?

What exactly does CBD do? It has been touted as a cure all for everything, whether it be chronic pain, anxiety, sleeplessness, and more. There…
