Magnesium flakes: what are they, and should I be using them?

You heard it hear first: Epsom Salts are out, Magnesium Flakes are in. But why exactly are so many people choosing to fill their baths with this amazing supplement?

But are magnesium flakes really as beneficial to our bodies as brands would have us believe? We’ve taken a look at this latest beauty trend to find out.

Does our body need magnesium?

The first question we had was whether you bodies actually need magnesium or not? And the short answer is: yes, it does!

Responsible for the normal function of over 300 enzymes within the body, the most important role of magnesium is to help with our body’s calcium absorption. This makes it key to ensuring healthy teeth and bones – as well as normal psychological function and a healthy nervous system.

Another vital role of magnesium is to convert the glucose within our food into energy. Without magnesium to help us do this, our bodies have no chance of maintaining stable energy levels or preventing tiredness.

By balancing our body’s electrolytes and reducing our levels of tiredness and fatigue, Magnesium helps to improve our quality of rest and recovery at night while we’re sleeping. It can also help to ensure that our energy, (and metabolism) is as high as possible during the day.


What are the benefits of using magnesium flakes? 

Aside from taking a supplement, taking magnesium bath is a great way to increase your body’s level of the supplement, as well as a really great way to help to ease muscle tension.

Hailed by celebrities across the Globe, Taylor Swift recently told Elle Magazine; “I take L-theanine, which is a natural supplement to help stress and anxiety. I also take magnesium for muscle health and energy.” And as a hugely helpful recovery tool, it’s thought that they are best used at the end of the day in order to help you relax and sleep.

Can they help to combat stress?

By acting as a really powerful muscle relaxant, magnesium can have a real contribution to stress reduction within the body. Some studies have also suggested that Magnesium can help our bodies to produce serotonin (also known as the ‘happiness molecule’.) By relaxing our muscles and heping to increase our energy levels, it is thought that Magnesium boosts this famously mood elevating chemical that is found in the brain

So, when we look at the facts: magnesium isn’t necessarily considered an anti-anxiety supplement. But it is considered to be very helpful in combatting stress and promoting balance and harmony within our bodies.

Magnesium flakes vs epsom salts

Epsom salts and magnesium fakes are arguably the two most popular bath time additions in the world – but what’s the differences between them?

Truth be told, the two are very similar.

  • Epsom Salts are are a magnesium sulphate compound.
  • Magnesium flakes are a magnesium chloride compound.

To put things very simply, magnesium chloride flakes have a higher level of magnesium than Epson Salts do. And are considered to be much purer.

These days you’ll find that the vast majority of Epsom salts have been synthetically manufactured for mass market. While they can be sourced naturally from naturally occurring springs, this means that they can also be exposed to man-made pollutants. These pollutants can go on to contaminate the resulting magnesium crystals with elements including aluminium and mercury, which can have a negative effect on health if allowed to build-up over time.

Magnesium Chloride Flakes look a lot different to Epsom Salts due to their large, flat appearance. They are mined from a rich seam one mile below ground that is protected and purified.

While both compounds contain a similar level of the element magnesium, a key difference between Magnesium Chloride (flakes) and Magnesium Sulphate (salts) is their rate of absorption within the body.

Because it is wholly soluble, Magnesium Chloride will efficiently elevate cellular magnesium levels when exposed to the skin – making it much easier for your body to absorb than Epsom Salts.

How to use magnesium chloride flakes

To create your own relaxing magnesium bath soak, simply add up to four generous handfuls of magnesium chloride flakes into the warm water. Give them at least 20 minutes dissolve and soak in order to really maximise your mineral absorption.

But adding them to your bath isn’t the only way to use magnesium chloride flakes. Here are some other ways to use them to help combat stress:

  • Make a calming sleep spray by mixing 50% warm water with 50% flakes. Simply pour the mixture into an empty spray bottle and spritz over you skin as needed.
  • Make a soothing compress, ideal for tired muscles. Just combine 20% hot water with 80% magnesium chloride, then pour the solution over a flannel or small towel, squeeze out any excess and apply the compress to any area of your body that might need it.
  • For a spa-inspired salt inhalation experience, mix half a bag of flakes with 300ml of boiling water. Allow the mixture to cool for 1-2 minutes then take a towel over your head above the bowl and inhale.

Where to buy magnesium flakes online

Restoring Magnesium Flakes
Restoring WestLab Magnesium Flakes | £6.99
Sea Magik Spa
Sea Magik Spa Flakes | £5.99
KIKI health MSM
KIKI health MSM Flakes | £12.95
