The Surprising Benefits of Hula Hooping: 7 reasons you need to try it!

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Hula hooping is no longer just a nostalgic memory from childhood; it’s a fitness trend that’s swinging its way into the lives of adults everywhere. Not only is hula hooping a fun and energetic activity, but it also offers a wide array of health benefits. Let’s explore why you should consider adding a hula hoop to your workout routine. We’ve included a some of the benefits of hula hooping daily and everything you need to know to get started.

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So, what are the benefits of Hula Hooping?

1. It’s A Fun Cardio Workout

Hula hooping can get your heart pumping, providing an excellent cardiovascular workout. Just 10 minutes of hula hooping can burn as many calories as running for a similar amount of time. It’s a joyful way to elevate your heart rate, making exercise feel like less of a chore and more of an exciting playtime.

2. Improves Coordination and Balance

The rhythmic motion of hula hooping requires coordination and balance, skills that can enhance your overall athletic performance. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned hooper, the challenge of keeping the hoop in motion can improve your sense of body awareness and gracefulness.

3. Strengthens Core Muscles

Looking for a toned abdomen? Hula hooping targets the core muscles, providing a unique and engaging way to strengthen your abs, lower back, and obliques. By engaging these muscles, you’ll not only look better but also reduce the risk of back pain and injuries.

4. Boosts Mental Well-Being

The fun and whimsical nature of hula hooping can lift your spirits and reduce stress. The repetitive, meditative motion can put you in a zen-like state, promoting relaxation and mindfulness. Plus, mastering a new skill can boost your self-confidence.

5. Versatility and Accessibility

One of the beauties of hula hooping is its versatility. You can hoop indoors or outdoors, alone or with friends, and even incorporate it into dance routines. With hoops available in various sizes and weights, it’s a workout that’s accessible to people of all fitness levels.

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6. Enhances Flexibility and Mobility

Hula hooping requires a fluid and continuous motion that can greatly enhance flexibility and mobility in the hips and waist. By gently stretching and working these areas, hula hooping promotes a greater range of motion. This can aid in daily activities and may even help alleviate stiffness or pain in the lower body.

7. An Eco-Friendly and Affordable Option

Unlike many other fitness tools that may require electricity or expensive materials, hula hoops are often made from recyclable materials and require no power to use. They are an affordable and environmentally friendly option for fitness enthusiasts looking to make an impact on their health without a big impact on their wallet or the planet. It’s a great way to side-step that hefty gym membership.

8. Gives You a Full-Body Workout

It’s estimated that there are 30 muscles that are activated when you’re hula hooping, which means that you’re doing more than just moving your abs. This is what lends to the number of calories being burned. As you can imagine, hula hooping focuses on the core muscles, which can help you burn the fat around your waist which is the unhealthiest type of fat.

9. Improves Your Heart Health

When you get your heart rate up during physical activities, it helps improve your heart health in several ways. With better blood circulation, any toxins that are in the blood stream that could damage your heart are removed. It also gets your heart pumping, which makes it stronger since it’s a muscle like any other. Hula hooping is a great way to get your heart the exercise it needs to stay strong and healthy.

10. Makes Your Spine Stronger and More Flexible

One of the biggest causes of back problems is a lack of back strength and flexibility. The movements done while hula hooping help to strengthen your spine muscles and stretch your back to make it more flexible. With a stronger and more flexible back, you’ll better be able to avoid back pain and have a better range of motion in your back.

11. Easy to Fit into Your Schedule

Since you only need to hula hoop for 20 minutes a daily to get all these benefits and more, it’s easy to set aside that little bit of time to pull out your hula hoop, set a timer, and get to hooping. It’s also nice because you don’t have to leave your home, so you can also save time on traveling to the gym or park for your workouts. It’s also great for moms and other people that aren’t able to leave home to work out.

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How to get started with hula hooping:

  1. Choose the Right Hoop. Select a hoop that reaches your mid-torso when standing upright. Beginners often find a larger, heavier hoop easier to control. Experiment with different sizes and weights to find what feels best for you.
  2. Find a Suitable Space. Ensure you have enough space to move freely. An open area, either indoors or outdoors, free of breakables is ideal.
  3. Wear Comfortable Clothing. Choose clothes that allow free movement but aren’t too loose. Athletic wear or a snug-fitting top and leggings work well.
  4. Stand with Proper Posture. Place one foot slightly in front of the other and stand tall with your feet hip-width apart. Hold the hoop against your lower back.
  5. Start the Swing. Give the hoop a strong, flat push around your waist in one direction. Keep your hands free, and let the hoop spin.
  6. Keep It Going. Use your hips and core to keep the hoop in motion. Think of a rhythmic rocking motion from front to back or side to side. Keep experimenting until you find a groove that works for you.
  7. Practice Regularly. Like any skill, hula hooping requires practice. Start with short sessions and gradually increase your time as you become more comfortable.
  8. Join a Community or Class. Consider finding local hula hooping communities or classes for additional support and inspiration. Sharing the experience with others can be incredibly motivating.

Safety Tips:

Embarking on a hula hooping journey is exciting, but it’s essential to prioritize safety to prevent any injuries or mishaps. Here are some important safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Choose the Right Surface. Hula hooping on a slippery surface could lead to falls. Opt for a space with a flat, non-slip surface like a wooden floor or a grassy area.
  • Warm Up Properly. Like any physical exercise, warming up is crucial. Spend a few minutes stretching and gently moving your body to prepare your muscles for the activity.
  • Be Mindful of Surroundings. Ensure there’s enough space around you to prevent collisions with objects or other people. Clear away any furniture or breakables if you’re hooping indoors.
  • Use Appropriate Equipment. Pick a hoop that’s designed for fitness and appropriate for your skill level. Avoid hoops with sharp edges or materials that could cause injury.
  • Listen to Your Body. If you feel any pain or discomfort, stop immediately and assess what might be wrong. Pushing through pain can lead to serious injuries.
  • Stay Hydrated. Hula hooping can be a vigorous exercise. Keep water nearby and take regular sips to stay hydrated.
  • Consider Professional Guidance. If you’re new to hula hooping, consider taking a class or seeking professional guidance. An experienced instructor can ensure you’re using proper form and technique.
Photo by Mart Production – pixels

5 Hula Hoop Workout Exercises to Try

Ready to take your hula hooping to the next level? Here are five engaging exercises that incorporate a hula hoop to help you tone, strengthen, and have a blast:

1. Hula Hoop Waist Twirl

How to do it: Stand with feet hip-width apart and hoop around your waist. Spin the hoop and keep it going with rhythmic hip movements.

Benefits: Targets the core, improves coordination, and provides a cardiovascular workout.

2. Hoop Lunges

How to do it: Hold the hoop overhead, then step forward into a lunge, lowering the hoop to your ankle. Return to the start and repeat with the other leg.

Benefits: Works the legs, glutes, and shoulders, while improving balance.

3. Hula Hoop Push-Ups

How to do it: Place the hula hoop on the ground and grip it as you perform push-ups, keeping the body in a straight line.

Benefits: Strengthens the chest, arms, and core while challenging stability.

4. Hoop Plank to Pike

How to do it: Start in a plank position with your feet inside the hoop. Pull your feet towards your hands, lifting your hips into a pike position, then return to the plank.

Benefits: Works the core, shoulders, and lower back, enhancing flexibility.

5. Hula Hoop Squat Jumps

How to do it: Hold the hoop at waist level, perform a squat, then explosively jump through the hoop, raising it overhead. Land softly and repeat.

Benefits: Targets the legs, glutes, and arms, boosting cardiovascular fitness and power.

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Ready to give it a whirl? Grab a hoop and join the growing community of enthusiasts embracing this playful path to health and happiness.

Read next: How to lose weight fast with cardio workouts
