How CBD helped me get back to the gym

How CBD helped me get back to the gym

Last month we took a look at how celebrities like Eddie Hall and Nate Diaz are taking CBD oil into the mainstream fitness industry, and how CBD products can help to speed you your fitness results. But over the last four weeks we thought we’d put our money where our mouths are, and have been trialling some CBD products from Amma Life to see whether they can be beneficial for the average Joe like us.

Derived from the cannabis plant – which divides the UK in starch debate – CBD has also been analysed in length from both a legal and ethical perspective. But whilst opinions may differ, there is no denying the incredible healing power CBD oil seems to possess and how versatile it is as a supplement and natural remedy.

CBD for fitness

One of the benefits, from a fitness perspective, is the fact that CBD doesn’t cause dependence or tolerance, so it’s a great choice for athletes who regularly need pain relief but are trying to stay away from opioids.

But that said, I’m not an athlete. I’m just a new mum who is dipping her toe tentatively back into the workout waters, and trying to get back to her pre-baby fitness levels. Could CBD help me get back in the swing of things, or is it a product that only true athletes can benefit from? 

I’m not going to lie, I had my reservations. But after four weeks of starting the day with a CBD tea (which tastes like peppermint, not CBD oil, thankfully) and taking 1-2 drops throughout the day, I can honestly say I’m back in the gym and I’m a CBD convert. 

How CBD helped me get back to the gym

So, let me break down why I’m a fan:

3 ways CBD oil helped me get back to the gym

Pain relief

I’m going to level with you, before this month the only exercise on my radar over the last 8 months has been pushing the pram and lifting my baby – so I knew that DOMS were going to be a killer when I started lifting serious weights again. I’ve been having a cup of CBD tea before my workout and two drops of the oil underneath my tongue afterwards. Whilst I have definitely still felt the aftermath of my workouts in my legs, (I’d forgotten the ordeal of sitting on the toilet the day after leg day!) it wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected it to be. My initial plan was to get three workouts in a week, but I’m managed to push it to four seeing as I don’t feel completely crippled afterwards. 

Better sleep

After a couple of weeks, I started swapping my evening brew for a CBD tea. Not only is it helping to knock my caffeine dependency on the head, but I’ve also noticed that  it’s helping me to get a better night’s sleep. With a solid 7 hours, (baby dependent of course) under my belt, I’ve been feeling much more refreshed and able to cram a workout into the morning nap – rather than needing three coffees and half a packets of chocolate hobnobs just to make it through the morning! 

Anxiety management 

Finally, though it’s not necessarily fitness related, I just want to take a minute to talk about how CBD has helped me manage my anxiety over the last month. 

As a new mum you rarely go an hour without worrying about something. Between mulling over all of the unlikely scenarios where you child could get hurt that you create in your own head, and constantly wondering whether or not you’re doing a good job, you can often feel mentally exhausted. But over the last four weeks, I’ve noticed that my anxiety is a lot more in check, and I’m actually enjoying motherhood rather than spending my time worrying – maybe I’m just settling into my new role or maybe it’s the CBD products, either way I’m happy about it!  Without ‘mum-guilt’ holding me back, I can just put my headphones in for 3 quarters of an hour and enjoy getting back to my old self!

If you would like to find out more about Amma Life and the range of CBD products they offer please visit their website
