Tips for the perfect Spring ‘No makeup makeup’ look

Tips for the perfect Spring ‘No makeup makeup’ look

If there is any look that I think can be the hardest to pull off I would say it is the ‘No makeup makeup look’ that so many of us want to achieve.

And who doesn’t want to look naturally glowy and gorgeous?

No matter how few products you may be using, if you’re not using a light touch this will still end up cakey.

The key to a perfect no makeup look is to apply your products lightly and blend blend blend!

Here are my key stages to the perfect natural glow we can all achieve this Spring.

Cleanse and moisturize

…as normal, avoiding exfoliating or rubbing at your skin as this will just cause redness which will be hard to disguise.

You want to make sure your skin is soft and hydrated to allow your makeup to sit right on your face without going greasy.


If your having a particularly clear skin day (hurray for those) then opt for a tinted moisturizer, my favourite is from Estee Lauder, ‘Daywear’ adapts to your natural skin colour when you apply with a natural glowy base.

If you prefer more coverage apply your usual foundation only to the areas that it is needed, so if you are suffering with the odd breakout or under the eyes. 

Just remember to go light and really blend and buff into your skin.


My take to a desert island item for sure. 

Use a flat concealer brush to apply sparingly under the eyes and if you suffer with dark circles pat with your finger to blend into the skin.

Set your skin

Only do this if like me you suffer with shine. 

Use a large brush and dust over your face, this will help absorb any extra oil.

Make sure you use a setting powder in the nearest colour to your skintone. 

Follow this up with a light blush to the apple of your cheeks.

The whole aim for this look is to keep it as natural looking as possible.

Eyes & Brows

Avoid using too much product or false lashes if you can.

Use a volumizing mascara and apply two coats per eye.

Use a clear brow gel to brush your eyebrows up, my favouite is ‘Wonderfull brow’ gel from Rimmel.


Avoid using liner or lipstick (I know, coming from me right?)

Instead use a lip scrub to remove any dead skin cells and increase blood flow in your lips and then top with a lip balm to keep your lips plump with a healthy flush.

And that’s it, go be your natural gorgeous self!
