Can CBD help to speed up your fitness results?

Hitting the gym on a regular basis can be a hard slog at the best of times, but it can be especially hard to drag…

What NOT to wear for Tough Mudder

Last year, Team Daily Struggle took on the challenge of Tough Mudder with next to no training. So, if you want to know the ins…

5 Things You Should Do ‘Post Workout’ for optimum recovery

The key to maximising your workouts and increasing gains, is ensuring you follow a post workout recovery routine. Muscles need anywhere from 24 to 48…

Why Women Should Lift Weights

A new year is upon us, and we’ve vowed that *this* will be the year we lose those last five pounds and get that killer…

Vicki Anstey: Simple ways to side-step the hefty gym fees

The vast majority of people who quit their gym membership do so for financial reasons. The number one reason many people give for not working…

How to Lose Weight Fast with Cardio Workouts

Group exercise continues to shape the future of fitness, with 4.86 million Brits taking part in group classes every week. Group exercise is now more…

Active Posture Shirt Review Reduce Back pain in the gym

I’ve suffered with back pain for a long time now, especially when lifting heavier in the gym. When I was asked to review the posture…
